Includes 2,028,516 shares which were pledged in connection

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Mr. Jephson reaches out and helps whenever and wherever he can and always with a smile on his face. He is truly a local hero!. Is stealing the other people yard signs, that is not something anybody is doing what sad to me is that it seems that nobody wants to discuss that anti Semitism that is going on. It seems that nobody wants to discuss the hate that is going on. Yet at every forum I go to I get asked a question on race relations, and people don want to discuss this.

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There is an improved access from Mr. Berms over to Eville and Honey Bee via the “Hurtin’ Albertan” connection on Hornet. Further to that; we have built an entirely new trail from the Bear Chair load elevation to the base area (our crew is calling it Duff Dynasty but who knows if that yellow jersey will stick).

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