Everest of a tangent, but this thread has really got me

To be honest, I like Barristan but he says a lot of bullshit. He stayed loyal to Aerys for years and would have continued to be loyal to Joffrey too if it weren for his dismissal. I don see why he would become unloyal now for one instance of cruelty (and to be honest no […]

2) Sounds like you using a MIDI kit for the drums

For example travel backpack anti theft, They tell you, put you gun on the floor, but when you try to reach for your gun to put it on the floor as instructed, they kill you. Then argue self defense. Like the little twelve year boy who had his hands on his pockets when the police […]

This is what kind of went through my head as I read your

That is, there no other scenes showing that this is some crippling issue Chrom needs to overcome. It something that worries him because Olivia ran away from him. If he never talked to her, it would never have been an issue. When I got my turn I prepaid cafe admin 3 hours and looked at […]

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Using your finger spread the corrector in an upside down triangle shape where the flat base https://www.cacanadagoooseoutlet.ca of the triangle is near your lower lash line and moving down to cover the circle. After that, use a skin toned concealer or foundation and gently pat it in and blend gently with your finger. I recommend […]

It has a LED backlit touchscreen display that can flip around

I didn vote but here my two cents. I don share my Eden info with anyone except my DH. I wouldn share with anyone that I wasn completely open with and ok with them knowing. On an even more basic level, Franklin was in some sense a jazz singer, even though that label captures neither […]

The permanent collection consists of 17th to 20th century

A wary species with little tolerance for human disturbance, the whooping crane probably was displaced from its historic breeding grounds by the arrival of settlers even before the native grasslands were drained and plowed under for grain fields. The great white bird was also a tempting target for gunners, not only men putting meat on […]