I’m sure that that’s not enforced

All of my bra have some type of padding or pushup in them. I usually go braless though if I am not wearing a pushupI can understand the faux appearance. I think it can be false advertisement with some of the smaller cup girls(flaunt what you have and be proud of them, don lie with […]

I put career over relationships

When fresh out of the package, the two ball ends touch. Clipping them on your nipples without first adjusting them is painful. Very painful. In learning BDSM we tend to focus so much on physical safety and learning not to hurt someone physically is important, of course. But, in general, with obvious severe exceptions of […]

Anthony can talk all he wants about how he wanted Lin to return

Within weeks cheap jerseys, D’Antoni was gone, Anthony was essentially running the show and Lin was no longer the conquering hero in the Knicks’ locker room. Anthony can talk all he wants about how he wanted Lin to return, but those are a hypocrite’s words. He’s all about isolation plays in a scheme built entirely […]

1/3 of the room is still dedicated to exercise with a

Doubt it would take Andujar + Frazier + more in a deal for many aces, only a select few would cost that, most would just be Andujar + B/C level prospects. You keep saying he can improve on defense, which isn’t wrong, but really what is his ceiling? The dude has been playing the position […]