Saying it is almost at Berkeley or UVA level is myopic

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At a meeting of finance ministers and central bankers from the Group of 20 industrialized and emerging nations and the European Union, Steven Mnuchin, attending his first major international gathering as Treasury secretary, signaled that American policy would follow the campaign promises made by President Trump to put “America first” and review existing trade agreements to seek better deals for the United States.As a result, the ministers’ joint statement, normally a study in blandness, became an unlikely focus of controversy here. The representatives could agree only on a tortured compromise stating, in effect, that trade is a good thing. Adjectives like “open” were dropped vibrators, and the ministers omitted language used in previous communiqus that condemned protectionism, repudiating decades of free trade doctrine.For Asian and European officials, many of them meeting their Trump administration counterparts for the first time, it was a startling lesson in how Mr.

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